Ultralite32 Vane Rotor - 11.75" x 0.81", 8x7.00 bolt pattern. DRILLED VERSION.
For use with UUC E30 big brake kit. Available as replacement disks onlyor as complete set of disks + hats + hardware.
Ultra-Light UL straight vane rotors provide high value performance andrugged durability for a wide range of competition, high performance,and sport driving applications. Don't confuse these rotors with bargainpriced off-brand named parts. Wilwood's modern manufacturingcapability, combined with large scale economy, make it possible tooffer this level of quality and performance at such an affordableprice. Every Wilwood rotor is cast from premium grade, long graincarbon iron. This material exhibits long wear, high thermal stability,and excellent resistance to distortion in high heat. Modern foundry andmachining techniques hold close tolerances on face and vane thickness.Combining the correct face thickness with a 32 vane casting providessuperior heat management and long service life with low rotating andunsprung weight. The straight vane design also makes it possible to usethe same rotor on left or right hand mounting locations.
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